
How Final Fantasy 14 brings veterans and newbies together | PC Gamer - mcalisterandister

How Terminal Fantasy 14 brings veterans and newbies together

Final Fantasy 14
(Image deferred payment: Square Enix)

Final Fantasise 14 is frequently praised for how welcoming its community is to new players. Arguably it's a big part of wherefore the recent influx of Humanity of Warcraft leavers ingest stuck close to. It seems like there's always a new post along its subreddit expressing genuine storm at just how patient and encouraging players are, represent that waiting for people to enjoy cutscenes OR helping guide people through tough mechanics. It also helps that there's always someone for spick-and-span players to match with when playing early dungeons, largely because veterans testament often revisit aged pleased.

And so how has Final Phantasy 14 managed to foster such a positive playerbase piece other games struggle to do indeed? I spoke to director and producer Naoki Yoshida about how the game successfully conditions players new and old to piece of work in concert and keep kindness in mind.

"FF14's game design and the team's policy is to non force new or existing players to bring on contentedness that has become outdated," Yoshida tells me. "Naturally, it's important that in the MMORPG community, veterans and newcomers mix as quickly as possible. So, by providing support in the form of our systems and rewards provided, we aim to work veteran players and newcomers together in the Sami political party and help them happening their direction to friendship by letting them fiddle together. As much, it is not eventful for a player to replay old content but rather, it is more important for them to interact and meet others in order to strengthen the MMORPG community."

Final Fantasy 14

(Image credit: Square Enix)

For new players coming into FFXIV, this focus ensures they regularly come into contact with people who fire help them through the often confusing early stages of learning how an MMO works. This in release encourages unexampled players to puzzle around and eventually help newer players themselves. That's exactly what happened to ME when I first started playing in 2013—I'd never seriously played an MMO earlier so in my naivety I'd try to bunk through dungeons ahead of others like we were just performin next to each other kinda than unitedly.

It's important that in the MMORPG community, veterans and newcomers mix as quickly as possible.

Naoki Yoshida

As an inexperienced boxer (a clenched fist-war-ridden DPS class), I had my can handed to me as I had no idea what the concept of a Cooler was or why it was so important to stay together. A veteran actor very patiently explained IT to me, and later that we sailed direct the tunnels of Tam-Tara Deepcroft without further omissible. If it hadn't been for their kindness I wouldn't have cragfast around.

I'm embarrassed to remember on that experience now, just I immediately also wee a point of explaining things to people if they're struggling—we were all new once. It's also in a veterans best interests to do thus, as everyone needs to mix and solve jointly and so existence good-hearted and taking the clock time to assistant newbies bequeath make dungeon runs far-off electric sander.

By continuously incorporating older content into newer progression, FFXIV ensures that older players are constantly coming into inter-group communication with newer ones. "It's precise important to share clock and the play experience by playing the same content together," Yoshida says. "When you coiffure that, you get ahead comrades in no time at all."

Final Fantasy 14

(Image credit: Square Enix)

"I feel the border on behind the thought is identical principal," He adds. "In FFXIV, we don't plan content with the idea of 'somehow getting people to play old content', but rather with the idea of 'effectively twinned new players and seasoned veterans'.  In some placid that requires a significant amount of play clock, similar weapon enhancement self-satisfied, we intentionally encourage players to revisit elder content and that plays a role in facilitating party matching for newcomers. In consideration of having our present players help out with duplicate, the artillery enhancement content itself is designed in such a way that information technology is not mandatory; players let a superior nigh strengthening their gear wheel OR not."

In the in vogue relic weapon quest, for representative, you need to gather up items that can drop from large-scale FATE battles in areas from the Heavensward and Stormblood expansions. This makes convinced that even older areas flavour well populated and 'lived in'. There's a real warmth to the world atomic number 3 you privy always find out people going just about their in-game day zero count your progress level—Hydaelyn is never a lonely place.

The young green sprout that appears above a unaccustomed role player's head also plays an primal part in fostering a welcoming community. Information technology's a signal to the world that you'Ra just setting out on your adventure and that you probably haven't fully fledged all of the various press car-mechanic signals that others have learned yet. IT's a simple icon that helps remind people to forgive some electric potential mistakes. Without information technology someone could assume you deliver a high skill point or knowledge dishonorable and get frustrated when you quite naturally don't have a boss fight memorised.

Final Fantasy 14

(Mental image credit: Square Enix)

"Upon sightedness the newcomers, veteran players are reminded of the multiplication when they themselves used to be in those shoes, and they're struck again with feelings of freshness," Yoshida says. "Additionally, when they lay their eyes on so more characters with the new explorer 'sprout' icon, I think they'd feel happy as an FFXIV player upon realising that the secret plan they love still continues to grow. This makes us, as seasoned veterans, develop a hope for new players to enjoy FFXIV's world for arsenic long Eastern Samoa possible, and that leads on to the benignity we show toward newcomers."

Upon seeing the newcomers, vet players are reminded of the multiplication when they themselves used to be in those place.

Naoki Yoshida

He's right—seeing the recent swarms of new players has been such a encouraging go through. It's so nice to be able to go out and share in the joy of people scrap Ifrit for the first sentence, or visual perception their response as certain cutscenes dramatic play out. It's also made older content crisp again by providing new challenges as veterans mix with hot players with much lower berth gear. Instead of existence capable to easily brute pull out yourself olden certain push phases, we're experiencing fight mechanics we haven't seen in days. Cape Westwind—the first eight-player fight in the game—was at one time a ridiculously slowly steamroll of a contend, merely with the surge in people unacquainted with the battle, it's starting to become the challenge it's supposed to represent again.

It's hard not to be swept up by those confirming shared experiences and help pass that enthusiasm down to others. "With backing, the newcomers are able to heighten their enjoyment of the lame, and will one of these days develop into striking Warriors of Light," Yoshida adds. "It's likely that once these veteran players look back on their time starting out in the game, they'll commend the support they received from the more experienced Warriors of Clean back and so. In so much a way, they retain animate the custom of 'being kind to others' with their delight upon encountering other characters marked with the new venturer sprout above their heads."

Final Fantasy 14

(Image credit: Square Enix)

IT turns out that the wellness and welcoming nature of FFXIV's community of interests owes a great deal to Yoshida's friends: "This is completely because I myself suffer been playing online games since the days of Diablo and I've been helped by umteen friends together with Thomas More experienced gamers," he tells Maine. "So you see, this design is also my path of giving back to online games and MMORPGs."  Positive ahead of time experiences successively micturate players return that positivity in kind foster down the line. It's an encouraging cycle that helps Final Fantasy Fourteen realise its reputation as a welcoming put up to be.

Finally, with the upcoming Endwalker expansion connected the skyline many players bequeath want to prep themselves for any upcoming story twists and nods to the foregone—soh, in the feel of sharing experiences, is there some content that veterans should represent revisiting particularly?

"This is an MMORPG, so of course I think it's best for you to free rein freely... However, if you would like to talk about the lore in more detail and own a deeper understanding of the world behind the main scenario quests to be base in Endwalker, I'd Be gladiolus if you play through the 'Coils of Bahamut', 'Alexander' and 'Omega' raid series if you haven't already. These are not mandatory quests, only they are raids that are profoundly rooted in the mysteries or so FFXIV's world. Course, we have ensured that they can embody played after clearing Endwalker and accept IT all still make sense. Having said that, if you deprivation to play through with Endwalker with a deeper insight into the characters and their thoughts, I'm sure that these raids testament enable a richer gimpy experience!"


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